


Evidence-based, client-centered psychotherapy treatment via a variety of modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Schema Therapy, with specialties in working with eating disorders and perfectionism. Therapy is offered to individuals as well as couples.

50 mins |  $150

90 mins |  $175

120mins |  $250

Intern 30 minute session |  $10

Intern 60 minute session |  $30


Telehealth to Florida residents

Telehealth only for clients living in or visiting Florida.



One time or ongoing consultation for therapists needing to consult regarding a case, therapeutic modality, or other needs.

60 mins |  $100



Training supervision for licensed social workers working toward becoming independently licensed. Flexible scheduling available.

Individual 60 mins |  $100

Group 60 mins |  $50

Functional Wellness Program

One time or ongoing sessions in the client’s home or remote working together to dismantle the judgements and ideas within our society of how we should think and how we should run our household. Together, we will develop systems that work within your household while simultaneously work through the guilt and negative thoughts about yourself. Click below for more information.

Questions before getting started?
Get in touch.